It is early Sunday, I spent a heavenly day yesterday with Diane, we went to see a movie "Super 8 " at the El Cajon Parkway Plaza. It was actually fun sitting in a cool theater watching the movie.
I have 2 quilts ready to go to get quilted, one is a cat quilt, Disappearing 9 patch, here is the picture of part of it.
For years and years now, more than I would like to tell, I have been collecting cat fabric and now I have every cat fabric ever made....That is how the disappearing nine patch quilt came about.
The other one is a star quilt, with no name, I just made up the pattern really just started making stars and put them all together.
Quite a while back I noticed that a large number of persons use their blog to complain about life in general, but i promised I would not do that, but in all blogs that i read some of it comes out.
I need a wife, well a good house keeper would do just fine. A cook, someone to run all my errands around town, pick up and drop off things.
Bath the dogs, comb the cats, water the yard... Oh well.
Here is a picture of my cat Lucie, she was a Ferrell cat, however now is the sweetest cat, who only wants neck rubs.
The Dogs in my house are going a bit crazy, there is a motor cycle group gathering up in Jamul area and the noise from the motor cycles going down Campo Road is making everyone in the house act strange.
The Blue Jays outside are chasing a cat around the yard. They probably have a nest out there up in one of the trees. It must be the motorcycles making so much noise on highway 94 going east....
Well I have had enough fun with notes for today. Have a wonderful day. If you are in The southern California area, go to The International Quilt Show in Long beach CA. It starts July 28th 2011.
There will be a bunch of vendors, wonderful quilts.... So many nice things to look at... But no cats or dogs to see and pet and play with. As my day goes on I may be back with more stores.