Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Dec 7th, It is pouring rain. I am numb.... The dogs do not want to go outside because of the rain.
I worked really hard yesterday getting alot of different things done as I knew today it would be raining. The finished putting up more Christmas decorations, put away the boxes the decorations were in. Then I went to the apartment building and cleaned up the yard, empty my trash from this house. Vacuumed and mopped floors here. Cleaned the kitchen, brought wood into the house for the fireplaces. I really worked hard.
I know there are going to be alot of car wrecks today, people in San Diego do not know how to drive. I have to go to the bank to make a deposit and hope that I can make it there and back safely.
I would like to find and outdoor covered area where I can take the dogs to do their stuff. Close to where I live. No ideas come to mind.
I also intend to stay home and finish binding some quilts. Well I have so many plans for the day I had better get busy.

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