I have not had a minute to sew all week. I just got this spring cleaning bug under my skin. Too much stuff in my house I never use. I think watching the Hoarders show on TV got to me. I am no way anywhere near to that, but my home could be alot nicer.
I got really inspired when I saw (scroll down).Bonnie Hunter's orphan block quilt I want to take all my blocks and do something like that also. You can believe me when I say I have more orphan blocks that I know what to do with. I had finished 10 quilts, well finished the tops and have been stacking them up so get quilted. If I had a house cleaner and a gardener and a pet sitter, a cook, and a personal assistant, I could just stay in the house all day and sew and sew. But I have to continue on with life's joys. The dogs want to go out and I have to get dressed. So I say to you, look at life as the glass is half full. Have a great day.