Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 8th Thursday

I have been in Mesa Arizona visiting a friend over the Easter Holiday. I arrived on April 1st and returned to San Diego on April 7th. We went to about every Desert Botanical Garden in the area.
Not to mention every garden shop in the area. The plant in the Phoenix area are very different than the ones you see in the San Diego Area.
We did not feel the earth quake as we were in the back yard and there were friends their.
We are all sitting around having a great time and talking , the wind was blowing and no one noticed. It was not until someone called me from San Diego that we found out there was a quake.

The dogs had a great time, they played and ran and just did everything dogs do. I did not sew a single stitch while I was there. My friends keep me going the entire time.
Returning home I have to go back to reality and start working on everything. The car needs to be washed. It is very dusty in the desert area. The cloths needs to be washed and put away. The yard needs to be watered. It will take me days to get caught up.
I also have to go check on a refrigerator that I was told is not getting cold. The house has not been vacuumed in 10 days, I was gone but the cats were at home. I have 2 doctors appointments to take care off. It is nice to leave town, but then one comes home.
It is getting late I have to get a move one. Hopefully this week I'll have a chance to sit and sew.
Have a great day.

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