My wool scarf.
It is Saturday, Gretchen is coming over and we are going to sew and paint. It is always so quiet when it rains, not many people are out moving around. I took the dogs for a walk this morning, when there was a break, they were having a great time, but all off a sudden it started pouring, I ran home, but was drenched.
I picked up my niece from the airport last night, she came in from New York. She has grown into a beautiful lady. The first thing she wanted to do when she arrived in Southern California from New York City was go to A real Mexican restaurant. In New York the Mexican Restaurants are do not know how to make food like they do here in San Diego.
Saturday afternoon I worked more on my crocheting. I have been making a wool scarf.
I also found this great yarn at the thrift store, When I was at Jo Ann's I price it and it was much less expensive at the thrift store, so today I am going to go back and see if it is still there.
If I can not sleep I get up and crochet for a while and them I can go back to sleep.
Today I am suppost to go to dog park with the dogs. I am meeting my friend Dy there, she has a pug and I have little chi's.
I also tried to do a different layout on a quilt but it did not come out well, so today, this afternoon I am going to take it apart and start over. What a drag.
Well have a great day.
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