My Friend Bea Morris, from Stitch and Bitch, taught me how to make Eleanor Burn's Whirligig ,
here is the link to her video demos, so last night I made two of them in put them into the Purple UFO stash quilts. Today I plan on doing a few more in different sizes and also getting out some more purple and making more purple squares.
But before I do that I have to: go swim for an hour, my friend Gretchen is coming over to look at why I have so much Spasm on the computer... Feed the 2 dogs, and 6- yes, 6 cats, 2 of them are young kittens. Also, water the vegetable garden, Wash cloths, go to Kaiser and get my meds...Wash the 4 Runner, by that time it will probably be 6:00 p.m. and it will be time to make dinner and go back to sleep. OH, yes I also need to make more Lemon curd... I made some the other day, but it is now gone into tummies of friends and neighbors.
I need a personal assistant, and also need to win the Lottery so I can afford a personal assistant.
In fact while I am at it, I need an assistant to just come over and sew my quilts for me, and I can just draw pictures of what I want.... my dream also includes.... : > ) ....
OH, well I better get started or it will be noon and I'll still be sitting here, I have been up since 5:30 a.m. San Diego Ca. time, and all I have done is computer work.
Have a great day.
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