Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday November 12, 2011

It is Saturday the day after Veterans day, I am getting all my UFO'S ( that quilting unfinished projects) all cleaned up That way my slate will be clear for the next Bonnie Hunter Mystery starting a week from Friday. Woohoo! I can't wait. If you do the mystery, make sure to print out the directions, as she takes them down after the mystery is finished. I printed my instructions last year, as I did not get around to it until after it was over.
I have even cleaned off the top of my office desk and put everything away, so I will have room to organized in the office. That is amazing in it self.
I have been working on a drunkards path quilt for weeks, and now have 125 parts finished, it take 4 parts to make one square. I have been trying to make 20 -30 parts a day, that does not seem like a lot, but when you have to
1. match up the colors you like,
2. then pin them up
3. then sew then on the machine,
4. then iron it out to see if it will lay flat,
5. then square the part up..... ok, now back to the beginning with the next piece.
6. try to keep the cats out of the way they always want to sit right on the sewing machine.

I have to still pick out Fabric and colors for the Bonnie Hunter Mystery.

She has 4 colors picked out, so today while it is raining and I am stuck in the house with the cats and dogs, who do not want to venture out, I start looking at my stash and see what look good.
Well it is almost 10:00 am here so I have better get on the way,
Have a great day. If you live in A rainy area, remember to put out fertilizer on all the plants and that way it will all get worked in today.

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