Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Aquatic turtles
I ran out the front door calling her and ran down to where the turtle was and picked it up. Funny it did not look like one of her pets. This turtle was red and alot bigger then hers.
Her husband Allen and Marilyn came running and said where did that come from.
They took to to the local pet store and the pet store owner told them it was a Aquatic turtle and it eats gold fish. So now my friend across the street has 3 turtles, and I am recovering from freight.
I am going to go get a picture of this turtle so you all can see it and while I am at it, I'll take a picture of the other ones.
I just never know what I am going to find wondering around on our quiet little street next.
Have a great day and watch for what you may find in the middle of your street.

Tuesday April 29th, 2008
Today I have an appointment with a new Tax accountant. What fun for my day off. I have to go over everything and make sure that its all right.
I am off work today so I really wanted to stay home and spend the day in the quilt room finished up the quilt. I have pieces on the wall and just need to sew it together. By the time I got up this morning I already had a list 2 pages long off what needed to be done for sure, hoping that there would be a minute or two somewhere of sew. Good Luck!.
My white cat is siting next to me on the desk, helpimg me. He cannot get to far off or he gets worried.
I better start my list. The first thing on the list is to call Dell to get my laptop computer fixed. I really like having it when I go somewhere. I hope it does not cost to very much. See you tomorrow.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday quilting before work
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday April 27, 2008 [Photo]
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday quilting
My brother in laws birthday is arriving soon and so I really need to finish his birthday quilt. He is a outdoors person and spend last summer in Alaska kayaking. I am building a quilt with Bears and fish and moose.
The water is going in the garden under the orange and lemon trees, it is on a timer so it shuts off in 5 minutes. I think the orange should be ripe soon, and friends have already come by for their share of fresh lemons.
Well this is a small post but I throught I would just log in for a minute. Need to get back to work.
Have a great week end and remember "Quilting before dishes"