Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday quilting

Friday I am at home and finally getting over a acute sinusitis, and on antibiotics seems to have done the trick. So here I am in the Quilting room deleloping a new quilt. I have not been able to move my head for 4 days.

My brother in laws birthday is arriving soon and so I really need to finish his birthday quilt. He is a outdoors person and spend last summer in Alaska kayaking. I am building a quilt with Bears and fish and moose.

The water is going in the garden under the orange and lemon trees, it is on a timer so it shuts off in 5 minutes. I think the orange should be ripe soon, and friends have already come by for their share of fresh lemons.

Well this is a small post but I throught I would just log in for a minute. Need to get back to work.
Have a great week end and remember "Quilting before dishes"

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