Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday June 29th

It has been a long time since I have sat down and wrote a note. Time has just been slipping away. I went to the San Diego fair with my friend. We had a wonderful time. We shopped until we could not carry another single thing. Guess what... we did not eat one bite of fair food. We were very good. And we are going back on July 4th for a few hours. What fun that will be.
I sat down only one day to sew. I have been spending alot of time out in the garden as summer takes me out side. The plants are all growing very fast and need lots of furtilizer. Today I might go down to a great nursey in san diego and look around.
The other thing I did today was finally pick out a box for Goldmines ashes.
I found this great wooden box to keep them in, When I get cremated I am going to have some of his ashes be mixed with mine and we will be together for ever. I will always miss goldmine, my best yellow cat.

Bye for now.

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