Thursday, May 22, 2008

One day in the life of

This blog is getting far away from quilting. It has turned more into the days of my life.
Yesterday I spend a day down town at the San diego court House deptartment #2. that is where everyone comes to get arrianed for the crimes they commited or did not commit, and to plead. The public defenders want everyone to just plead guilty so they do not have to deal with the problems and it or they (they problems) will go away. If you try to stand up for yourself and say I did not do that, then the public defender has to actually work and try to help you, which is what our tax dollars pay them to do.
To dissmiss a case the public defender has to get the prosecuter to come down to court #2 and talk to the person who claims to be not guilty, If the prosectuter is busy then you have to come back and start all over.
What a mess!.
That is what I spend my life doing yesterday.
No sewing, No gardening, no quilting.... just dealing with the San diego Court system.

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