Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 November 2, 2022

Oh my gosh, what happened to this year. It has flown by...... I cannot believe it is November already.

Election day is coming up soon, please vote. If you dont vote then you cannot complain about anything. 

I just took in 4 more quilts to get quilted, and of course everyone wants them back tomorrow. 

I usually put the quit on the machine at night and then quilt them in the morning... hopefully get them done in one day, of course the bigger quilts take a bit longer.  Since I have a Gammill statler I really enjoy the job of quilting.

It is raining her today and so all the children are in the house, Pearl my large gray and white cat feels like she should sit on the keyboard while I am typing.  she likes to help.

Halloween was so much fun, I went over to my Nieces house and went out with her kids. It was most fun seeing all the customs... Even alot of the adults were dressed up. I think I walked about 1 1/2 miles with the children, They brought home so much candy.... what a load. 

Well I have to get back to the quilting machine. Sit and sew.... it is so relaxing for me and wonderful to see the results.

Farewell for now 




Saturday, October 29, 2022

 Oct 29, 2022 Saturday.

Hello, yes its been a very long time. 

I have acquired a Gammill longarm statler computerized quilting machine. Actually I have been working on it for almost 2 years now, and have gotten quite good at it. 

I now have 4 dogs, they started out as foster, but I really am a failure at fostering. The dogs have been bonded to each other and at 2:00 this afternoon  are taking their afternoon naps and have decided this is their home. They live here on a large 1/2 acre lots and can run and chase each other all over the property. Yes they are happy.

I have put myself on a fabric buying diet. I think I have enough fabric to last for 6 more lifetimes if 8 quilters were sewing full time. So I only buy something as a last resort if i really need it. 

I have 2 cats Lilly ans pearl. They get along with the dogs and act like they  are the boss. 

I am trying to finish my UFO's that unfinished objects.... or unfinished quilt projects. The ones i finish that i don't keep to to different charity  groups...... there are so many that want quilts.  

Well I hear my sewing machine calling my name.. 

Iam feeling well and content with my place on earth. 

