Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer August 07, 2013

 I have so busy working on everything, that I just do not have time or the thought to come back and blog.
I really admire the people who can blog everyday.
Yesterday I went out to lunch with some of my old work friends. We went to Fashion Valley in San Diego Cheese cake factory. I ordered off the low calorie menu, still it was $26.00  with the tip to eat there. Next time we go to lunch it will be my turn to find somewhere to eat, and it will not be that expensive.

My goal for today is to do some more straightening out of the sewing room. I went and bought 3 long large plastic boxes to organize some stuff into, so I'll see how that goes.

Last night it was cool enough in the house to vacuum  and clean up a bit, with the pets I have I am always on the clean up cat and dog hair routine. Today the DOGS (2) are going to visit the bath, They don't like it, but always feel better afterwards.

So there is my day, I'll try to write again soon.

Friday, April 12, 2013

I have been so busy, do not ask me how I every worked full time.  I guess that is what retirement is all about. Finding new things to keep you going. I stepped outside for 5 minutes to do a little watering, and then forgot and did some fertilizing, and then re-potted a few plants, trimmed up a bit, and 3 hours later... well you get the idea.

Now I need to get ready to go to another appointment. Life is hard when your trying to get something done and here comes Tux, Fat soon as I sit down here it comes.   Tux, the 30 pound tuxedo cat.

                                                                TUX- FAT CAT 

TUX was on the way to the humane society in San Diego, and they would not take him, so he came to stay here, ... "just for a few days until i could find him a home.." so now this is his home along with
1. taco cat
2. Cosmo
3. Snowball
4. Lucie

5. Freddie the Chihuahua
6. Ginger the Chihuahua

7. last but fattest:.... Fat cat TUX....

oh, and 2 outdoor cats, who come by every day for a lite or three.
However -- all the guys get along and no one fights.. so I guess that is  the way it is.

My carrots are growing, along with the lettuce, peppers, herbs, soon it will be time for tomatoes.

I have to run. I will try to check in sooner...

sew a stitch everyday

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Garden Quilt

Today is March 25th, 2013.  It always makes me happy when I have one minute to sit down and blog.
I have been working on the Spring Garden Quilt. It was a Disappearing 4 patch quilt. The instructions to make the Block can be found here: 
I have been using mainly Kaffe Fassett fabrics.
And here is a great place to get his fabrics:
It is fun to find new places on the web to find great prices on nice fabric.
For me when I take a picture of my quilt I can see all the mistakes, that when it is on the wall I miss. The black and white dot square has to go. I need more blues. 
March has also brought me to a new sewing sit and sew at Cozy Quilt Shop in El Cajon Ca.
Some old friends and some new Friends are there and it is so nice to have a whole entire day to sit and sew.
The first time I went I got so much done it was amazing. I came home exhausted, I had to take a nap and rest up before I could make dinner.
It is amazing how when the winter months end, everything seems to come to life in the garden. All the bulbs are all blooming, the fruit trees have buds on them, The vegetables I plants months ago are ready to be harvested.
All is sweet on the Grden front.

The quilt room, well that is another story, It is now and will always be a mess.  I know right where everything is, atleast I did last week, ask me for something this week and I may have to look for awhile.
Well the lawm mower is calling my name, so I better get off the computer and hit the garden again.
Have a great day.

Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22, 2013 --- Where has the time gone

OM Gosh,
I have been so busy with the holidays and then things after that I have not been here since Nov 8, 2012

My friend Diane's mother was here from the eastern part of the United States over the holidays and that took a great deal of time visiting her while Diane was at work.  We had alot of fun together and went on some great trips.

I gave away 2 quilts for christmas, both ladies loved them.

December 5th I fell and broke my right leg. That has been fun. 
There is always stuff to do at the apartments and rentals.

I started my new Garden Quilt.
Well life is just so busy, I do not know how I ever found time to work full time.
Here are some Quilt Acronyms.

As you know, as quilters we're pretty good at coming up with short set of letters to explain quilting terms - I mean, we've all got UFO's, right?  And we happily use FQ's in our quilts or bags too.

Try googling quilt acronyms, and you'll find some like these:
(Not so familiar, but very clever)

HSY Haven't Started Yet

PHD Project Half Done (yes - we all have PHD's behind our names!!!)

WIM Work In Mind

WIVSP Work in Very Slow Progress

TOAD Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust

PIG Project In Grocery bag

USO Unstarted Object

STASH Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden (!!!)

SABLE Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy

And my favourite..

FART Fabric Acquisition Road Trip ( so can we call previous trips Old farts???)

WOMBAT Waste Of Money Batting And Time