What to blog about, that is the question. I do not chickens, so that is out. I have 5 foster cats, that have decided to stay, so they are not foster cats any longer. I have not have bought anything off eBay for a long time so cannot blog about that, and have not been anywhere for a few months, so I cannot blog about the wonderful expensive hotel I will be going to so that I can relax with my husband, because I do not have a husband or boyfriend for that matter.
Quilting blogs used to be about what you are quilting, but that has fallen to the way side to let the quilters talk or tweet about their personal lives. Our life's here in America are so wonderful compared to other places, we should be kissing the ground and saying thank you God.
The Bible tells us not to Lust after our neighbors things, but all the way from the very poorest to the very richest person in America, I hear everyone complaining about their problems. "I wish I had", Give me what you have", If I had her...... I would..." she is so lucky". Luck has nothing to do with it. One person works hard to achieve their goals, and the next does not. End of the STORY!
One person saves for the future and the next does not. The person who does not save comes to the day when he or she says if only I would of not.......................
Negitive...............ism... Can we all try for a little positive......ism?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday July 29, 2009
I have spent my entire week working on rentals, I know, I know... I am lucky to have rentals to supplement my income, and infact I am very lucky. However a universal problem is tenants reck the rentals. I am sure if the homes were theirs, they would take better care of things. So I and all all landlords are always cleaning up after our tenants.
Ever have a friend who only calls when they need something? I one of those.. or two for that matter... This is my day to wine...........complain..........I have friends I'll call them that, but only comes by when I have something for them, or they want something.... Lately I have just gotten feed up with those people, ...I have just not been home for them to drop by... Do I tell all my other older friends I got fed up. ....Do not be fast to judge on the other hand.... so...........
My dog ginger thinks she is a cat, and follows the cats around the yard like she is one of them.. It is too funny.....
Well enough winning today.
I just stopped at Albertons market, In the meat department they have meat that is marked for Quick sale. It is meat that would be fine to take home and put into your freezer and cook later, but it cannot stay on the racks there so they mark it down. I really made a rack up today....
Hit the Jackpot today.... for $21.14 cents I got enough meat to last for a month, and then some
more. I put it into the freezer and will defrost it when I want it. What a deal..!!!!!!! Thanks Albertersons.
Ever have a friend who only calls when they need something? I one of those.. or two for that matter... This is my day to wine...........complain..........I have friends I'll call them that, but only comes by when I have something for them, or they want something.... Lately I have just gotten feed up with those people, ...I have just not been home for them to drop by... Do I tell all my other older friends I got fed up. ....Do not be fast to judge on the other hand.... so...........
My dog ginger thinks she is a cat, and follows the cats around the yard like she is one of them.. It is too funny.....
Well enough winning today.
I just stopped at Albertons market, In the meat department they have meat that is marked for Quick sale. It is meat that would be fine to take home and put into your freezer and cook later, but it cannot stay on the racks there so they mark it down. I really made a rack up today....
Hit the Jackpot today.... for $21.14 cents I got enough meat to last for a month, and then some
more. I put it into the freezer and will defrost it when I want it. What a deal..!!!!!!! Thanks Albertersons.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday and the TAX Man
Does anyone else have to pay quarterly taxes? I get very upset always have when I heard what my money goes for. Well I guess that is the price of being white in America.... I am free to do pretty much what ever I want to and then I have to pay. Sometime I feel like it like it may be better to be poor in America. Then I could just get all the free handouts.
Well Better cheer up or I may want to CRY!!!!!..........................
I did not get much sewing done this week but now the week end is here and I am off to a hot start!
I still am cleaning my sewing room and have found a bunch of UFO'S so I am finishing those off.
I have been looking for a 10 foot classic Gammill quilting machine, but the small ones are hard to find. All the machines are 12 feet long or 14 feet long. The room I have to it in will only hold a 10 foot machine.
I have always said do not tell a lie, becuase it always comes back to you, as it will.
I have a friend who has not been telling the truth all week and now it has come back to haunt.
I know it was not the truth, so I am just going to wait and see what happens...
Have a great week end... share yourself with your friends.
Well Better cheer up or I may want to CRY!!!!!..........................
I did not get much sewing done this week but now the week end is here and I am off to a hot start!
I still am cleaning my sewing room and have found a bunch of UFO'S so I am finishing those off.
I have been looking for a 10 foot classic Gammill quilting machine, but the small ones are hard to find. All the machines are 12 feet long or 14 feet long. The room I have to it in will only hold a 10 foot machine.
I have always said do not tell a lie, becuase it always comes back to you, as it will.
I have a friend who has not been telling the truth all week and now it has come back to haunt.
I know it was not the truth, so I am just going to wait and see what happens...
Have a great week end... share yourself with your friends.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday July 2, 2009,
Yesterday I got another lesson in hiring people to work on the apartments. I hired a friends son, usually a total NO, NO, which it turned out to be again. On the phone he agreed to work for $15.00 hour, I should of written it down and had him sign it... in the end he said "Oh I only work by the job... At the end of less than 3 hours he wanted $80.00 dollars which equals== $26.00 an hour.
AND he thinks he is coming back again today to finish something which should of been done the first day. I know times are hard, but.... no more.
In my days of doing a job, I agreed on a wage and stuck to it. These young people want everything handed to them...............and THINK that they deserve it. I went to college, got a degree and worked at my profession for 40 years without many problems.
So today I go finish the work that I already paid for and should of been done yesterday.
I did not get a single stitch sewn, not a single floor in the house cleaned, but today is another god given beautiful day and so I'll start fresh.
Coffee is made and it tastes great, the sunrise was wonderful and very colorful so I'll just start over.
The long beach Quilt show starts tomorrow, I think I'll drive up for one day on friday.
Have a great day.
AND he thinks he is coming back again today to finish something which should of been done the first day. I know times are hard, but.... no more.
In my days of doing a job, I agreed on a wage and stuck to it. These young people want everything handed to them...............and THINK that they deserve it. I went to college, got a degree and worked at my profession for 40 years without many problems.
So today I go finish the work that I already paid for and should of been done yesterday.
I did not get a single stitch sewn, not a single floor in the house cleaned, but today is another god given beautiful day and so I'll start fresh.
Coffee is made and it tastes great, the sunrise was wonderful and very colorful so I'll just start over.
The long beach Quilt show starts tomorrow, I think I'll drive up for one day on friday.
Have a great day.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday quilt Run
Sunday after church I went on a 2 store Quilt Run.... First to Memory Lane Quilt shop and saw this great flower quilt that I just had to have. So I bought some of the material, and came home and started cutting and sewing. I needed another project like ............................well you know.
But Nothing like have 45 projects going at one time. The new project is called "Natural Splendor" by Cynthia Coulier. It will look different when I get done, because I will add embroidery designs into the quilt pattern as I always like to change things a little so they look different,
Later in the afternoon I went out into the yard to water and found some cantaloupes growing in in the compost pile and so I have about 5 large ones almost ready to eat. What joy.
Life in the retirement world is different from what I always dreamed. Today I get to go over and fix a shower enclosure. The apartment building is great fun always, never know when there will be a problem. I know it is best not to wine, boo hooo, I am lucky to have what I have.
Well it is almost 8:00 am and I to get running so I can go be an an apartment manager and fix, fix fix. Hopefully this afternoon I can come home and sew..... then tonight at 5:3o i'll be off to Canyon Quilters meeting, where I am the new Membership person.
Have a great day.
But Nothing like have 45 projects going at one time. The new project is called "Natural Splendor" by Cynthia Coulier. It will look different when I get done, because I will add embroidery designs into the quilt pattern as I always like to change things a little so they look different,
Later in the afternoon I went out into the yard to water and found some cantaloupes growing in in the compost pile and so I have about 5 large ones almost ready to eat. What joy.
Life in the retirement world is different from what I always dreamed. Today I get to go over and fix a shower enclosure. The apartment building is great fun always, never know when there will be a problem. I know it is best not to wine, boo hooo, I am lucky to have what I have.
Well it is almost 8:00 am and I to get running so I can go be an an apartment manager and fix, fix fix. Hopefully this afternoon I can come home and sew..... then tonight at 5:3o i'll be off to Canyon Quilters meeting, where I am the new Membership person.
Have a great day.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday July 19.2009
I woke up this morning and through I would go shopping after church today.........At 1:00pm....Wait it be really hot and the animals will be home in the house and they will want out to go explore.. So I better come home. Guess..... I'll just get ready for Monday.. It is 8:00 am and already hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot.... hot...., well hot and humid.
Can not go to the beach, over the line it at the beach, cannot go to the Balboa Park. The gay Pride parade is there, So Guess I'll just stay home and sew... OH whoopie another holy day of quilting by myself...I like those the best, just stay home and relax....
I have to go to Wallie Mart for dog food..... guess I'll do that before church.....
I did not get any new fabric this week, but I was thinking about it.
Comic Con will be downtown, San Diego has been invaded. It is always crowed on the week ends.
Well better get dressed for the day. If you think of anything to do where there are not 5 million people in San Diego, let me know, The week ends are better off staying put, I guess.
Can not go to the beach, over the line it at the beach, cannot go to the Balboa Park. The gay Pride parade is there, So Guess I'll just stay home and sew... OH whoopie another holy day of quilting by myself...I like those the best, just stay home and relax....
I have to go to Wallie Mart for dog food..... guess I'll do that before church.....
I did not get any new fabric this week, but I was thinking about it.
Comic Con will be downtown, San Diego has been invaded. It is always crowed on the week ends.
Well better get dressed for the day. If you think of anything to do where there are not 5 million people in San Diego, let me know, The week ends are better off staying put, I guess.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
July 15, 2009 Scrappy Squares

It will end up on a Queen size bed.
I am hoping for about 2-3 borders. Really I ran out of the dark gold with the leafs on it, so now boarders will make up the difference and add more interest... so I think. This quilt started out as stars, but well here is the almost finished not star quilt.
I went to 3 different quilt store looking for something to go along with this quilt, no luck, so my stash will have to find something.
The air conditioner I bought at Costco this saturday is going back, it just is not powerful enough to make much of a difference, and the amount I paid for it was too much also.
Plus my man friend had a cow, and monkey, and a kitten when I told how much i paid for it.....So if nothing else to keep peace in the house, it gets returned. I hope when I get back peace will again reside in the house....one never knows when you are dealing with men, I often think it is better to not tell the WHOLE truth to men, in the end it work out better and be more peaceful!
Long Beach Quilt show is coming up, but I am staying away.....Do not want to go and end up with more projects.. I am still trying to clean the sewing room. I turned down a winning basket of goodies from a quilt run, just did not want to bring more stuff home, told the shop owner to pick someone else new to quilting who needs stuff.
Well after all my running around town today, I'll be back in the sewing, quilt room, hopefully.....If not I'll let you know.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Smokies gets a forever home
Tuesday July 14, 2009
My vet sent me a wonderful woman who adopted smokie. Sue has already made arrangements for smokie to visit Dr. Alice.
My dog ginger seems to be taking it alright that smokie is gone. Ginger gets more attention and more food, so the dog is happy.
Ants has invaded my home, my best attempts at using organic ant killer seems to have failed. Today I guess I'll go out and buy the BLACK FLAG, ant killer. Them i have to totally clean my kitchen, But in the end the ants will be gone....
It has been really hot her in SAN DIEGO, up to the middle 90's, so I have been working in the house and staying cool. Today I have to run around San Diego and get some stuff.
I never can figure out how those people who work outside in the summer can handle the heat, but I guess they get used to it.
I wait until late in the day to do anything outside, or get up at 5:30 and
go outside and do yard stuff until about 9:00 am them it is back inside for me.
The quilt I was working on last week is coming along and hopefully by next week it will appear here for review, in the mean while I have to run along.
Have a great day, stay cool.
Thanks for stopping by
Friday, July 10, 2009

Everyone that I know is trying to tighten their belts, that are already tight. This week I have been trying to stay home and get some projects finished. In doing so I started cleaning my sewing room, where I have come across many, I say many ufo's. Way to many, so I am finishing them up.
This one was a class probably five years ago. A friend of mine lives in a Rv and in the winter it is always cold....this is flannel so I think they will love this,...
He looked at it yesterday and said,"well that is rather nice." Men!
I have been making all my friends quilts for Christmas, I cannot post them as I am sure they would figure out who gets what. So far I have finished 5 quilts, that is almost 1 a month. Since I am staying home trying not to go out shopping, that is working out well.
Smokie is the other thing I have been working on. She was found out at the local college, and brought to me about 10 days old, with her eyes just opened. She could not focus and was hungry and needed help going to the little box. Now she is best friends with my dog ginger a 8 pound Chihuaha dog. Ginger thinks smokie is her baby, and ginger is the best mom. They play together and sleep together and eat together. Ginger lets smokie eat her dinner first and then if there is any left over ginger has dinner.
Well I have to get dressed and go work in my sewing room.
Have a great day.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday July 2, 2009, Family
I cannot believe it is already Thursday. The week is more than half over, half gone.... It just passes like air. I have been sewing away, trying to stay home and not cause problems.
Some of my family members, like one of my sisters, is just nuts...not responsible, not of this world, not with it. I used to be ashamed to let anyone know that she was my family member. However, it is true she actually is. She causes me so much DRAMA, in large letters. A real drama queen....head of the drama queens.
I really cannot tolerate the problems she causes this family..neither can the rest of the family. But there she is. My mother passed 11 years ago and this one sister is still on me all the time. Yesterday I told one of my friends I just wanted to move away where no one could fine me. I have changed my phone numbers, refused to accept mail from her, but here she is. What to do.
I know, I know.... I posted about other blogs writing about personal problems and here I am so consumed with personal problems!..... Darn Things just happen, and sometimes I, not being sin free make mistakes.
Well onto to quilting, has anyone noticed how many machine quilters there are out there? I have 3 quilts read to quilt and there are about 40 San Diego Quilters who want the job, I could just do it myself but why bother.....? So I have picked this new quilter... He needs the work, when i get it back I'll see how it looks and if I like it, I'll post his name.
I have to go run some things around town, so I'll be back later, hopefully.
Have a great day.
Some of my family members, like one of my sisters, is just nuts...not responsible, not of this world, not with it. I used to be ashamed to let anyone know that she was my family member. However, it is true she actually is. She causes me so much DRAMA, in large letters. A real drama queen....head of the drama queens.
I really cannot tolerate the problems she causes this family..neither can the rest of the family. But there she is. My mother passed 11 years ago and this one sister is still on me all the time. Yesterday I told one of my friends I just wanted to move away where no one could fine me. I have changed my phone numbers, refused to accept mail from her, but here she is. What to do.
I know, I know.... I posted about other blogs writing about personal problems and here I am so consumed with personal problems!..... Darn Things just happen, and sometimes I, not being sin free make mistakes.
Well onto to quilting, has anyone noticed how many machine quilters there are out there? I have 3 quilts read to quilt and there are about 40 San Diego Quilters who want the job, I could just do it myself but why bother.....? So I have picked this new quilter... He needs the work, when i get it back I'll see how it looks and if I like it, I'll post his name.
I have to go run some things around town, so I'll be back later, hopefully.
Have a great day.
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