Tuesday July 14, 2009
My vet sent me a wonderful woman who adopted smokie. Sue has already made arrangements for smokie to visit Dr. Alice.
My dog ginger seems to be taking it alright that smokie is gone. Ginger gets more attention and more food, so the dog is happy.
Ants has invaded my home, my best attempts at using organic ant killer seems to have failed. Today I guess I'll go out and buy the BLACK FLAG, ant killer. Them i have to totally clean my kitchen, But in the end the ants will be gone....
It has been really hot her in SAN DIEGO, up to the middle 90's, so I have been working in the house and staying cool. Today I have to run around San Diego and get some stuff.
I never can figure out how those people who work outside in the summer can handle the heat, but I guess they get used to it.
I wait until late in the day to do anything outside, or get up at 5:30 and
go outside and do yard stuff until about 9:00 am them it is back inside for me.
The quilt I was working on last week is coming along and hopefully by next week it will appear here for review, in the mean while I have to run along.
Have a great day, stay cool.
Thanks for stopping by
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