Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday July 31,2009

What to blog about, that is the question. I do not chickens, so that is out. I have 5 foster cats, that have decided to stay, so they are not foster cats any longer. I have not have bought anything off eBay for a long time so cannot blog about that, and have not been anywhere for a few months, so I cannot blog about the wonderful expensive hotel I will be going to so that I can relax with my husband, because I do not have a husband or boyfriend for that matter.
Quilting blogs used to be about what you are quilting, but that has fallen to the way side to let the quilters talk or tweet about their personal lives. Our life's here in America are so wonderful compared to other places, we should be kissing the ground and saying thank you God.
The Bible tells us not to Lust after our neighbors things, but all the way from the very poorest to the very richest person in America, I hear everyone complaining about their problems. "I wish I had", Give me what you have", If I had her...... I would..." she is so lucky". Luck has nothing to do with it. One person works hard to achieve their goals, and the next does not. End of the STORY!
One person saves for the future and the next does not. The person who does not save comes to the day when he or she says if only I would of not.......................
Negitive...............ism... Can we all try for a little positive......ism?

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