Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19th Saturday

I think today is fathers day, My father passed a few years back so I am going to do things around the house again and that will take care of today. A week ago I have my left hand operated on again. It has been five days I still have the bandage on, but it is going very well. The very best part is that I can now bend my fingers, which I could not do before the operation.

One of my Girl friends granddaughter is getting married July 10, I have been under so much stress, finding a present she would like, I finally got her something I use around my home and really love, A great set of Kitchen knifes. I found the dress and the shoes.... I feel like I won the lottery, everything is taken care of and I am ready to go to this fancy wedding.
I also sold the 1952 Chevy Pick up truck. It has been in my yard so over a year while it has been getting fixed. Finally it is sold. Soon to be gone.
I almost finished with the disappearing nine patch quilt, The monkey wrench quilt is coming along,
Things are looking up. I am out of school for the summer, I free until august 17Th... So I have lots of free time.
Today, I am going to go to the attorneys office and take care of some paper work, then come home and sew...
Have a wonderful week end.

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