Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6th 2009

Today is Sunday Dec 6th. It has been a month since I split with Mr. Man. I know that I did not do anything wrong. I have had so much time to do things I could not get done with him around because as you know when a man is around you have to entertain them.
After church today I have a long list of things that need to get done before I can go into the Quilt Studio and get to the real work of the day.
It promises to rain tomorrow so I need to go to the apartment building and pick up any trash left there today so that it will not be a muddy mess. I need to take my trash there and empty it, so the cans here will be clean.
Finish put up the Christmas decorations and them start clean up the storage boxes that I keep all that stuff in. The list goes on.
Yesterday I vacuumed the house, mopped the floor, dusted around the house, cleaned the kitchen, and then went and meet Andy my quilter friend. We really have fun talking about quilt ting and since he is married and happy there is no pressure.
Well is is 9:30 so I need to run to get to church. Have a great Sunday and wonderful holiday.
True friends stay by your side through thick and thin, the other ones are just passing by.

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